We had roughly 7 inches of rain where you put that BaseBind-X product and we have roads washed out everywhere. Several asphalt roads are gone and I gotta tell you this road doesn't even have any fingers running down it. I mean it just looks pristine. We will see how it how it keeps doing after all this rain but right now the structure of it is probably better than any road we have anywhere.

I picked up my first load of APEX enhanced melter on Wednesday. Yesterday, I applied the product for the first time to some stubborn and thick ground ice I hadn't been able to clear with either of my previous melters. Within 5 minutes the ice had granulated and an hour later it was reduced to spotty slush. This morning, I visited the same lot to clear an inch of snow and treat the entire lot. I was quite surprised to find that section of the lot, normally a big problem for us, clear and open to pavement while the rest of the lot was fully snow covered! I really wish I had had a camera with me so I could show this to you. After a quick scrape, I applied APEX to the rest of the lot and it was open and clear within 30 minutes -- a fraction of time it normally takes -- truly impressive. I also sprayed the city walks around the property (about a 1/4 mile of walk) and didn't even have to take my old granular product off the truck. I just didn't need it. I'm glad I found my way to you guys!

Ice Slicer
Since we started using Ice Slicer® exclusively, we have had up to a 75% reduction in material use and approximately 50% savings in snow fighting costs per storm. We also use Ice Slicer® on our parking lots and sidewalks and have no adverse effects to our grass or plants. In general, I think everyone is pleased with Ice Slicer®, including the citizens.

Ice Slicer
There is such a remarkable difference between the streets treated with Ice Slicer and those that have not, that we now have citizens calling to specifically request Ice Slicer in and around their neighborhoods!

Thank you so much for getting me in contact with both Steve and Mike. I think the products your team has available are awesome and sound like a great asset to better serve the community with snow removal and to help the environment since we would ultimately be using less material on the roadways. I think my supervisor will agree. We will be in touch.

Ice Slicer
I just wanted to thank you for showing me how effective the Envirotech Ice Slicer is. Today we had our first real snow of the year along with really cold temperatures. For the first time in my 12-year career working for Elbert County our roads during this storm were in better shape (due to the Ice Slicer) than the neighboring counties and cities. I have attached photos of one of our main roads in Elbert County that we applied Ice Slicer to and it was just wet with an ambient temperature of 10 degrees. The other attached photo is the same road about 1 mile north of the other picture in the neighboring county. The Envirotech Ice Slicer really does its job as advertised. Thanks again.

Ice Slicer
I have had absolutely no damage to turf, concrete, or asphalt since changing to this product, and I never hear complaints from housekeeping about tracking the material into the building. The application is simple.

X-Hesion Pro
X-Hesion Pro has made our dust control measures and program more cost effective without a large change to the processes.

The advantage we found using AMP® over previous additives was our old brine mix worked well for anti-icing but not deicing. We started using Better Brine Pro with 20% AMP®. Now, we have a true dual-purpose liquid product that we can apply before or during an event with enough residual and melting capacity to take care of the nuisance snows.

Ice Slicer
With Ice Slicer, the roads dry much faster and the shoulders are cleared off quicker. The lingering moisture in the night air normally requires reapplication, but with Ice Slicer, we don’t have to babysit the roads as much through the night because going into the night the roads are already dry. The local trucking companies are telling us what a great job we are doing this year.

Ice Slicer
Ice Slicer gives good traction – we no longer need to use sand. There are no more complaints about sandy grit damaging property & windshields!

Customer Service
Justin Kimberling, the Street Supervisor for the City of Coeur d' Alene, ID called me for some technical info on Ice Slicer, which I gladly provided as they are a new user of this product this season, along with AMP. During the conversation, Justin's comments turned toward Carrie Plasters and her team. He has been highly impressed with the level of service we have provided not only during the sales process, but more importantly, order, delivery, and follow-through. He specifically pointed out Carrie and David Wilson as key reasons for his positive impression of ESI and his parting comments were ``As long as you guys keep providing service like this, things will always be good for you!``

EnviroTech has been great to work with. There have been multiple times I needed product on short notice and EnviroTech got it to me right away. EnviroTech delivered consistently in difficult circumstances, and we appreciate that kind of outstanding service!

I always open your marketing material messages as they are loaded with great content, and so glad I do. This one was particularly interesting and who knew about the Mark Barker vessel or even thinks about the Great Lakes as shipping ports? Great job and thank you.