Compact & Cap®

ESI’s proprietary program that combines product mix and application method for optimal performance and value

Whether managing roads, a construction site, a drilling pad, or another project requiring dust control, you know that your greatest challenge is balancing your particular mix of conditions and resources. EnviroTech has been accounting for the specific details of a site’s environment since our inception, and have also become experts in helping our customers manage their limitations in equipment and resources. This expertise has come together with a nuanced application of our proprietary products to form our trademarked Compact & Cap program.

Compact & Cap combines a customized mixture of ESI’s proprietary products with an application method tailored to the equipment, resources, and environment for the job at hand. The comprehensive approach of Compact & Cap means that a site gets improved stabilization, along with the suppression of dust. Download the FAQ below to learn more about what goes into the program, at a high level. Because the site or project each manager has to work with requires such a customized approach, the best way to get a more detailed understanding of Compact & Cap is to contact us. We look forward to working with you to reach your best possible results.