One of EnviroTech’s latest product releases is bringing our usual product quality to salt brine additives

Because salt brine alone is prone to drying out and being swept from the road’s surface, they have very identifiable performance limitations. AMP increases how effectively the product bonds to the surface and creates safer road conditions. It also boosts melting power by lowering the product’s freezing point (1:1) from 18℉ to 11℉, and decreases corrosion by 70% as compared to rock salt. AMP has undergone extensive testing to validate its effectiveness and clearly define how it is best utilized. Download the brochure and contact us to learn more about how this innovative product can enhance your salt brine program.

“The advantage we found using AMP® over previous additives was our old brine mix worked well for anti-icing but not deicing. We started using Better Brine Pro with 20% AMP®. Now, we have a true dual-purpose liquid product that we can apply before or during an event with enough residual and melting capacity to take care of the nuisance snows.”

-Eric Prochnow, President of Kon Solutions, Bloomington, IL

Ice Slicer®

An environmentally friendly, granular deicer, breaking the bond of snow and ice from roadways, walkways, driveways and parking lots

These products outperform white salt at all temperatures by creating better traction and reducing corrosion, while also eliminating the need for sand. Ice Slicer products can be used as a stand-alone product or blended with sand to expedite snow and ice melt and enhance traction.

Ice Slicer products’ unique blend of natural chlorides outperforms liquid anti-icing chemicals and rock salt.

Ice Slicer granular ice melt is a homogenous (not blended) product containing naturally occurring minerals, such as: Complex Chlorides (magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium chloride), Sulfur, Iron, Iodine, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Phosphorous, and 50+ trace minerals. Ice Slicer contains all-natural corrosion inhibitors and environmental buffers crystallized within each granule, not simply sprayed on the surface. Ice Slicer products melt down ice and snow to 5°F, a full 17° lower than regular road salt. Ice Slicer ice melt’s “reddish” color not only accelerates ice melt by absorbing 50% more of the sun’s radiant energy than white deicing products, it also signals to motorists that roads have been treated. Ice Slicer products require fewer applications resulting in reduced amounts of chlorides introduced into the environment. Since Ice Slicer products deliver enhanced traction, the need for sand is eliminated, there by significantly reducing sediment loading on roads and in nearby streams.

Ice Slicer products have been approved by the PNS as a qualified product.

Ice Slicer is a registered trademark of Redmond Minerals, Inc.

“There is such a remarkable difference between the streets treated with Ice Slicer and those that have not, that we now have citizens calling to specifically request Ice Slicer in and around their neighborhoods!”

-Colorado Springs, CO


A state-of-the-art anti-icing, deicing and frost prevention liquid product

Unlike many non-chloride products, Apogee is not acetate based—making it the perfect product for areas where acetates are prohibited. Apogee can be applied in a standard steam line pattern or through automated spray systems. Apogee was designed to maintain a lower viscosity, which enables it to perform at low temperatures and still maintain spray patterns through Bridge Spray Systems or Fixed Automated Spray Technology.

Apogee performs well across the entire temperature range and features a significantly lower corrosion rate, scoring 13.9% on the PNS scale. Unlike acetate based products, it does not aggressively attack galvanized metals. Apogee’s viscosity allows it to flow at low temperatures, maintain spray patterns and stay on the road longer. Apogee will not dry out after a storm and “dust off”; it actually helps reduce dust from abrasives and other roadway contaminants.


Delivers unmatched performance at colder temperatures

SOS-C (SOS™ utilizing calcium chloride) powerfully accelerates the melting performance of your granular salt, particularly at colder temperatures. SOS-C is designed to reduce leaching in stock piles, especially in higher humidity conditions, allowing you to pre-treat stock piles in any season. This creates the ability to prepare materials well in advance and plan more effectively for winter operations.

Treating a stock pile with 6-10 gallons of SOS-C per ton of granular material powerfully enhances the performance of your salt stock pile, particularly at colder temperatures. SOS-C can be applied to a stock pile in advance or as it is being delivered. Treating the entire stock pile prior to application to the roadway eliminates the need for pre-wetting saddle tanks.

We can provide you with the SOS liquid allowing you to treat your own salt. As an alternative for those customers without the equipment to treat their own stockpiles, EnviroTech has a Mobile Salt Treatment Unit that provides this as a convenient service.

For more information on this product, download the brochure or contact us directly.


Powerfully accelerates the melting performance of your granular salt, particularly at colder temperatures

SOS is designed to reduce leaching in stock piles, especially in higher humidity conditions, allowing you to pre-treat stock piles in any season. This creates the ability to prepare materials well in advance and plan more effectively for winter operations.

Treating a stock pile with 6-10 gallons of SOS per ton of granular material powerfully enhances the performance of your salt stock pile, particularly at colder temperatures. SOS can be applied to a stock pile in advance or as it is being delivered. Treating the entire stock pile prior to application to the roadway eliminates the need for pre-wetting saddle tanks.

We can provide you with the SOS liquid allowing you to treat your own salt. As an alternative for those customers without the equipment to treat their own stockpiles, EnviroTech has a Mobile Salt Treatment Unit that provides this as a convenient service.

For more information on this product, download the brochure or contact us directly.