Delivers unmatched performance at colder temperatures

SOS-C (SOS™ utilizing calcium chloride) powerfully accelerates the melting performance of your granular salt, particularly at colder temperatures. SOS-C is designed to reduce leaching in stock piles, especially in higher humidity conditions, allowing you to pre-treat stock piles in any season. This creates the ability to prepare materials well in advance and plan more effectively for winter operations.

Treating a stock pile with 6-10 gallons of SOS-C per ton of granular material powerfully enhances the performance of your salt stock pile, particularly at colder temperatures. SOS-C can be applied to a stock pile in advance or as it is being delivered. Treating the entire stock pile prior to application to the roadway eliminates the need for pre-wetting saddle tanks.

We can provide you with the SOS liquid allowing you to treat your own salt. As an alternative for those customers without the equipment to treat their own stockpiles, EnviroTech has a Mobile Salt Treatment Unit that provides this as a convenient service.

For more information on this product, download the brochure or contact us directly.


Powerfully accelerates the melting performance of your granular salt, particularly at colder temperatures

SOS is designed to reduce leaching in stock piles, especially in higher humidity conditions, allowing you to pre-treat stock piles in any season. This creates the ability to prepare materials well in advance and plan more effectively for winter operations.

Treating a stock pile with 6-10 gallons of SOS per ton of granular material powerfully enhances the performance of your salt stock pile, particularly at colder temperatures. SOS can be applied to a stock pile in advance or as it is being delivered. Treating the entire stock pile prior to application to the roadway eliminates the need for pre-wetting saddle tanks.

We can provide you with the SOS liquid allowing you to treat your own salt. As an alternative for those customers without the equipment to treat their own stockpiles, EnviroTech has a Mobile Salt Treatment Unit that provides this as a convenient service.

For more information on this product, download the brochure or contact us directly.