Don’t Let Dust Reduce Your Profits

Wind farms, solar farms, & access roads

The impact of fugitive dust and environmental corrosion factors are an ongoing and major issue in the renewable energy field. Photovoltaic (PV) systems are typically designed to last close to 30 years, and their ROI is entirely dependent on meeting energy throughput and maintaining their structural integrity.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates the fugitive dust settling on photovoltaic panels can induce power losses as high as 25%. Studies show that Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) losses can be as high as 80%. In addition, maintaining the structural integrity of Renewable Energy Systems extends their life as long as possible, allowing for increased profits and low maintenance costs. For PV and CSP, think of dust in terms of energy output, 1% fewer photons is 1% less yield in energy, 1% less in sales & profit.

Blades are subjected to harsh environmental factors that cause impact abrasion damages, including from fugitive dust. According to the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, damage to the leading-edge of blades can lower the Annual Energy Production of a wind turbine by 4-20%.

Products and Programs

  • Environmentally friendly
  • Low & non-chloride
  • Soil stabilizing
  • Dust suppressing

As EnviroTech Services continues to serve and expand in the domestic market, we are also working to bring our customized solutions to international markets. Contact a Region or our Corporate Headquarters to learn how we can serve your site.

Our product suite is diverse and extensive, so if you’re not sure exactly what you’re looking for, we encourage you to navigate to your region and to reach out to us directly for more direction.



BaseBind-X—EnviroTech’s advanced soil stabilization solution—is now a superior option for stabilizing your roads. BaseBind-X can be mixed into a variety of road bases. Mix with water on site and BaseBind-X can be offered in two other variations, 2X and 3X, variations which can be used as freight saving formulas.

BaseBind-X keeps the road materials on your roads and keep you from having to constantly add more material to grading your roads after wet weather. BaseBind-X products allow the road to be repaired, reworked or graded without destroying the effectiveness of the stabilizers.

GOOD: Basebind-X – Proprietary Blend

  • Proprietary blend formula for superior road stabilization
  • Ready to apply formula

BETTER: Basebind-2X – Concentrate

  • Proprietary blend formula for superior road stabilization
  • Concentrated version of BaseBind-X
  • Can be stored in tanks or totes
  • Mix with equal parts of water before application

BEST: Basebind-3X – Super Concentrate

  • Proprietary blend formula for superior road stabilization
  • Super concentrated version of BaseBind-X
  • Can be stored in tanks or totes
  • Mix with up to four parts water before application


Client Testimonial:

– Monte Hankins, County Superintendent for Elbert County, Colorado



DuraSynth is an organic synthetic product that is engineered to penetrate unpaved surfaces and effectively coat and bind fugitive dust and fi nes through cohesive mechanisms. DuraSynth effectively wets the soil creating a long term, reworkable surface that coats and weighs down the particulates without evaporating, leaching or freezing. It is an effective and environmentally friendly dust abatement system that allows for the conservation of water and other resources that would be used in applying more traditional dust control products.

Benefits & Features

  • Chloride free
  • Organic & biodrgradable
  • Stays on the road longer than traditional dust control products
  • Works in all climates
  • Reworkable, improving the quality of the road
  • Does not require water or pre-wetting
  • Reduces the consumption of energy resources
  • Binds the soil and water together



Road surface preparation is extremely important in all application techniques. However, these preparations do not need to be time consuming or costly. The better the road conditions, the more successful the application will be. The following four factors work together to achieve optimum results:

  • Quality and composition of aggregate
  • Road preparation
  • Compaction
  • Application rate

Features & Benefits

  • Allows for cleaner air and reduces dust to PM10 Standard
  • Improves road quality with fewer potholes and less wash-boarding
  • Ensures public safety
  • Reduces road maintenance while creating more value for the dollar
  • Can be used on many soil types

To learn more about how we can help in your mining market, contact EnviroTech Services to get started!